Re: Why should there be one god? |
"anjali deshpande" wrote:
>>>>>>don't misunderstand me, i am not saying one god is the answer. that gives > rise to many other questions too, to have one god and then to have so many > sects giving the same god's words so many interpretations and fight about it>>>>>>>>>
Fundamentally, Hinduism is Monotheistic. This piece of information will be a news for some Hindus even. May be in a spiritual group, I can elaborate on this.
I think, Anjali and Senthil did not touch a point, a core one. Hinduism is not God centred. It is truth and realization centred. At least two darsanas , Mimansa and Sankhya did not accept a creator God and even if they accepted, (sankhya), they called the twenty fifth tatva, purusha, as passive.
Anjali, I think, you need to look at the archives for the caste and varna conundrum. I have quoted extensively. Caste is continuity of culture. Varna is temperament. As our dear professor quoted in a recent post, it is Loka charam which pollutes Indian culture and not dharma charam. The teachings are ideal. The followers are not.
How would you defend, the decision of the Union cabinet and the CPM led left's decision to introduce OBC friendly laws in parliament ? It is the secular front , that preaches socialism, that took the decision which will push backward by a good half century in social development. The government does not want the intermixing of castes. There is no benefits offered for a intermarried couple or their off springs. Gandhi was able to make these differences non existent by his efforts and encouraged inter caste marriages.
But sixty years later, what is happening ? The caste lines have been hardened. The parties most responsible for this has been the secular parties including left . How is that ?
You mentioned Atheists. Well, here is a question. Just enquire whether any other religion accepts atheists. My religion does. There is the huge difference. That is why I told, Hinduism is truth centred. But truth centred. That is why there is no infidels are here.
Harijan Venkat
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