Capitalism - Communism - Spirituality |
V R Krishna Iyer wrote:
> The hidden agenda after a unipolar world is the malignant methodology of > insatiable accumulation of wealth. This terrible trend must be trampled > under the foot by a triumphant and dynamic generation. This should be done > with socialist convictions and a profound prognosis of work, wealth and > happiness for every human being. This should be the 'developmental drama' of > the New World Order.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
With all the due respects to our former Judge, I beg to differ in this.
The antidote to capitalism is not socialism ! Socialism shares some dirty philosophy with communism . That is "picking one's pocket to feed the other !" This forcible intrusion into one's private arena has made the largest practitioners of socialism and communism to dump them into the dustbins of history. (Czech, Hungary, Russia and USSR constituents, China, Yugoslavia, East Germany, England, India etc..)
Mark my words. In another twenty years, the twin philosophies will be mere relics. They need no vanquishers. they will fall on their own contradictions.
Capitalism is a lesser evil than socialism - communism. It allows for the human mind to think about itself rather than be controlled by a Big Brother. A child will first be possessive about a toy when it first owns it. But later, it will let other children play with it. But only when others acknowledged the toy to be its own property. Socialism puts a rider that even if you own a thing , you are duty bound to share it without complaint. If you refuse, the law will MAKE YOU SHARE IT.
It was capitalism that showed that a productive man is not a slave of his poor and lazy neighbour.
So, if you want to progress beyond capitalism, you need spirituality. For spirituality is the lrefined stage of a human being ever in search of a lasting truth. The material wealth, pleasures, are all fleeting and are not stable and die over a period of time. They are all transcient. So, the evolved beings look for answers away from these for release from the clutches of never ending bondage from both ownership and slavery to worldly possessions.
And, by being spiritual, you identify with the immortal spirit within you than with the ever changing fleeting world and its never ceasing hooks of short lived pleasures. And, the bitterest lesson you learn is that equality at birth and equality in opportunities is a mirage. Every living being carries with it the burden of its previous births and which is operated by a Universal law of cause and effect.
That is why you see, spirituality is respected and accepted in America and Britain than Russia. Reason is Spiritual growth is the next logical step of capitalism. In other words, only an owner of material will be fit to renounce it.
Communists can never be rehabilitated spiritually. They are too low in the ladder. They need to learn to own things first. Then only they can transcend that stage. When they are through with materialism, then they will be ready for spiritual initiation.
To prove this , I can cite an example. When Gorbachev released Russia from the dark ages, the first impulse in people was to amass wealth. But, soon it gave way to frustration. Result ? The Russian Church halls overflowed. Iskcon's preaching work in Russia was tremendously welcomed. Now, about 1 % of Russia's population is Hindu !
I will be happy when more members contribute to this thread.
Harijan Venkat
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