Evangelists and Religious dogmas: Lets shut down our labs, universities and research centres and just peek into religious books and take from them readymade scientific and technical knowledge ! Will this work ? |
Christian missionaries are setting up schools, colleges and hospitals because of their religious beliefs? Yes, this is exactly what they're doing. Every act of social service is undertaken in the name of their scriptural personal god (Jesus) or in order to propagate their naive religious beliefs and not for the sake of genuinely helping the poor to get rid of their misery in the spirit of humanism or secularism.
In what way is social service connected with religious dogmas?
The task of providing safe drinking water, electricity, roads, public transportation, recreational facilities, educational institutes and health care centres are civic duties that the government and concerned citizens take up for the welfare of all especially the poorer sections without bringing into the picture religious superstitions.
If service to the poor is what counts irrespective of social, economic, caste, religious, linguistic and race distinctions then in what way are religious myths relevant to doing good to people? Can all this not be done in a disinterested, humane and secular spirit?
Or do you mean to say that the scientific discoveries, technological inventions and medical advances are not the work of scientists (most of whom are by the way atheistic or agnostic) and that they're found in the religious scriptures? If so then let's shut down our labs, universities and research centres and just peek into religious books and take from them readymade scientific and technical knowledge ! Will this work ? Obviously, the answer is a big NO ! Even the code of morals and ethics found in these books are not unique but are common to all cultures and peoples sine the time man could reason irrespective of their religious leanings or atheism.
If say the Bible was a mine of scientific and technical knowledge then it would make sense for evangelists to go about establishing schools, hospitals, creches and vocational training centres in the name of their personal god Jesus.
However, religious books, instead of revealing scientific facts and encouraging the scientific spirit, have only exacerbated ignorance, superstitions, violence and divisions in society. It goes without saying that nothing scientific, rational or technical is found in religious literature but on the contrary these so-called "revealed" books contain numerous cock and bull stories of extra-cosmic god, creation out of nothing, immaculate conception, resurrection and burning logs of wood in hell over which "sinners" and "infidels" will be roasted in the "afterlife". Besides, when there exists no proof to corroborate the historicity of the scriptural prophets , I wonder at the warped imagination of these religious bigots and missionaries who with impunity go around peddling their inane beliefs in the name of their personal god under the guise of social work and in the process influence the gullible to abandon one set of ignorant religious practices and adopt another set of equally or more ignorant beliefs.
If upliftment of society through social service and the wonders of science and technology is the aim stick to just that. There's no need to pollute the already vitiated mental atmosphere of people with more potent does of toxic and mumbo jumbo religious dogmas.
But do the missionaries really desire the abolition of poverty in the world? I doubt it for then where will they find needy people to "serve" and "convert" to their pet beliefs?
Best Regards,
Dr A K Isaacs
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