RE: 15 percent Dalit Christians in the cities and 40 percent in the rural areas are illiterate in spite of having best convent schools in the church. |
Lucio Mascrenhas is a Catholic priest the re-incarnation of the wretched Portuguese imperialists. This chap does not know that Naziz were Christians. Does this character believe that Hindus are neo-Nazis? In other words are Hindus, neo Christians? The tragedy in India is that most of the Christian churches in India (Roman Catholic and Protestant denominations) believe and act as though the tenets of Jesus can only be interpreted by their European "masters". They do not understand that Jesus was not a white man and that he was an Afro-Asiatic. In fact, most will be sorely disappointed to know that he was not a white man. These proselytizing Christians are unable to stomach the fact that Christianity originated as an eastern faith and that it was hijacked by the European colonial powers, principally to establish their hegemony over the "heathens". The only redeeming feature of Christianity in India is that there is at least one church, namely the Syrian Orthodox Church which has never promoted proselytization since its very inception. That community has remained in perfect symbiosis with their Hindu, Muslim and Jewish neighbors despite the machinations of the Portuguese and later the Danes, French and the British in India. None of the Orthodox churches (Greek, Russian, Coptic, Armenian, Ethiopian etc) engage in proselytization. Have you ever seen or heard of priests or "evangelists" from any of these churches engaging in proselytization or preaching hellfire and damnation to those who do not agree with their interpretations of the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth? No, because they understand the offensiveness of "in your face Christianity" and have learnt to interpret and live by their faith without having the proselytizing millstones around their necks. Indian government must get its act together and ban all religious proselytization, regardless of whether it is by Christians, Muslims, Buddhists or Hindus. If they do not do that, India will be Balkanized as per the wishes and dreams of western powers. P.N.BENJAMIN __._,_.___
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