Re: The 1984 massacre of Sikhs and RSS |
I was in Delhi at the time of the killing of Sikhs and was very much involved in relief and in studying the situation after it in order to bring peace among the groups. It was clear that the killings were not unplanned or spontaneous but well planned. Secondly it was a massacre. Thirdly, looking at the immensity of the problem, many of us irrespective or religion, went round meeting political leaders of all parties. The common strain we heard was that they did not want to commit political suicide by making a statement against the massacre. There was hardly any exception. I do not want to blame only the RSS but would like to say that the RSS or the BJP did not oppose the massacre and showed support in many ways. Finally, we cannot justify the planned killing of a few thousands because two security guards who happened to be Sikhs killed the person they were supposed to protect. That type of punishment was meted out by Hitler. Dr Walter Fernandes Director North Eastern Social Research Centre 110 Kharghuli Road (1st floor) Guwahati 781004 Assam
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Nana ji is trying to bring the background of the whole Sikh problem into this tiny article. No one will regret the action in Amristar's Golden Temple. The whole Sikh community was taken hostage by a few mad men. Once, the government went after them, the whole problem went down. The average sikh could no longer be fooled to accept that his religion gave him the right to demand a separate country.
That demand came and was actively sponsored by elements across the border. The Sikh also realised that the very purpose of the creation of his religion itself was to halt the same enemy that his leaders are hobnobbing with.
Nanaji was simply expressing the futility of offence by the Sikhs. Shamsul, pray tell me, are you for 'retaliatory life for life' ? We want this to come from you so that we can assess where your sympathies lie.
It was really pathetic of you trying to paint Nanaji's article with your brand of selective reasoning. I am convinced of Nanaji's impartiality from this article. See what an opinion of Indira Gandhi he had ! Also, see how he urged support for the new incumbent , at this dark hour, though he belonged to an organization that opposed the policies of Congress Party ! Also see how he looks without remorse at the grave dangers the RSS faced in 1948. It is such people that a country needs at all times.
I now call upon you and other members to read this article again and come up with criticisms if you still find them. We can ask the moderator to organize a poll (it is in the group options) to decide whether this artcle is anti Sikh or anti national.
Venkatasubramanian J
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