Re: Religious leaders urged to end caste system |
What people don't understand that Shankaracharya, RSS Chief already disapproved such discrimination. This is internal matter of Hinduism and none of the business of Christian missionaries.
An analogy would be - if a married woman is struggling to conceive a baby because of whatever reasons , some one else offers (a solution) to sleep with her & get her pregnant. How the husband will feel ?
Definitely beat up the opportunistic volunteer . So a gentle reminder to missionaries to don't cross their limits even though Jesus is the only Saviour - let the Hindus go to hell . Later if some husband goes mad and unless his anger, don't make that international propaganda without writing - "Why ?".
Before making statements, find out - Shankaracharya is not Sahi Imam and there is no 'fatwa' system in Hinduism. Government made him 'powerless' legally... He is ready to extend every possible help and our idiot and arrogant Governments are not interested because SC/ST are a sizable vote bank and they want them Sc/ST forever.
Here you go..
Response from Shankaracharys OfficeFrom: Aditya Vahini < govardhanmath@hotmail.com> Date: Jan 7, 2006 2:50 AM Subject: Reply To: manojpadhi@gmail.com
// Shri //
Dear Shri Padhi ji Jai Jagannatha
Regarding the entry of Non- Hindus in the Lord Jagannatha Dham Temple I would like to know your detailed opinion so that I can definitely put forth the opinion.
Jagadguru Shankaracharya is the Maha Nayak of the Lord Jagannatha Dham Temple. The Government of Orissa and the Gjapati Maharaj of Puri should definitely implement the Dharma Nirnaya of Jagadguru Shankaracharya in this matter.
To update your group, I would like to gladly convey that H.H. Jagadguru Shankaracharya Maharaj is conveying the meeting regarding this in near future.
I hope that orissa group moderated by you urges the Government of Orissa and the Gajapati Maharaj of Puri to act according the Dhrma Nirnaya of Jagadguru Shankaracharya of Puri Govardhan Peetham Nischalananda Saraswati Mahaswamiji in this matter and all the temple affairs.
Earlier when the Shankaracharyaji's Nirnayas were applicable word to word in the matters of Shri Jagannatha Dham Temple we had lot of non- Hindu Bhaktas like Salbeg and others.
Thus we hope that we all work together to ease the mess caused by the followance of various Acts and Commissions.
Yours At The Lotus Feet of Lord Dhananjay Vaidya (National President) Aditya Vaahinee, Institution of Shri Shankaracharya Peetham Shri Poorvamnaya Govardhan Peetham Jagannatha Puri
Email No : 1928/DA/12/06 Camp :New Delhi Date: 06 March 2007 Dear Shri Manoj Padhi Jai Jagannatha!
Received your mail, and was pleased to know your concern in solving the Dalit - Upper Caste rift created by some ambiguity. I was out for a long and so though I read your mail and also read your comment on "Orissa Today" I didnt find time to reply, so I fell sorry for the delay in sending you a reply.
His Holiness Jagadguru Shankaracharya Maharaj of all the 4 Peethams established by Adi Shankaracharya are considered as Incarnation of Adi Shankaracharya Himself.Their Holiness' are considered as the highest authority on the Universal Religion.Now as far as the temple entry issue is concerned we have to take into consideration the following points:
1) Shrimad Jagadguru Shankaracharya of Puri is traditionally called the "Maha Nayak" of the Jagannatha Mandir and is the head and alone eligible to sit on the throne of the "Mukti Mandap", the highest decisive religious court. After the implementation of the "Orissa Temple Act- 1948", "Endowment Commission Act" and "Jagannatha Act", (these Acts in themselves are not in accordance with the Dharmic Rules), there is hardly any decisive power left with Jagadguru Shankaracharyaji. Though it is well known fact that the Jagadguru Shankaracharyas of Puri Govardhan Peetham have played an active role in "Freedom Strugle", "Vedic Mathematics" , "Creating Communal Harmony", "Propogating the Dharma with Scientific Explainations" etc.,neither the Government of Orissa nor the Government of India seeks any guidance from His Holiness Jagadguru Shankaracharya (of any of the Peethams), nor do they take into consideration the guidances delivered by Jagadguru Shankaracharyas. Had this been the case we would have got nice responses and implementations from Governments as far as the Intellectual , Dharmic and Communal Harmony promoting messages given by His Holiness Jagadguru Shankaracharya Maharaj in recent matters like "Godha Violence" , "Akshar Dham Attack", "Earlier Intimation of Kargil War", "Mumbai Train Blasts", "Malegaon Masjid Blasts", "Conversions Policy of Missionaries", "Foreign Direct Investments", "Vedic Mathematics", "Nepal Crisis", "Saving the Dredging of Rama Setu by Sethu Samudram Shipping Canal Project of Govt Of India" and so on. Either the media seems to be suppressed to publicise the opinions of His Holiness Shankaracharyaji since if the messages of His Holiness reach the society the society will be a paradise. I think some unfarsighted disillusioned politicians, businessmen and some treacherous foreigners see the messages of His Holiness Jagadguru Shankaracharya ji Maharajwill prove Jagadguruji to be a Universal Preacher of Humanity. May be these may be the reasons why people in Indian Politics and Administration sideline Jagadguru Shankaracharya when the repute is that even the World Bank and UN receives guidance from H.H.Jagadguru Shankaracharya of Puri from time to time in various matters of international concern.
2) None of the dalit organisations asked for Jagadguru Shankaracharyji's intervention, nor the Government of Orissa, with a good will of solving this crises approach the Jagadguru Shankaracharyaji. Even then, Jagadguru Shankaracharya ji tried to solve the issue saying that Dalits earlier and dharmically called Shudras are part of Hindu Dharma and they must be loved and cared by the all, their livelihood must be taken care of and should enjoy the vedic social status just as Mahatma Vidur and urged that "Constitution of India" must pave path for this without affecting the "Merit" of the rest of the social strata.
3) I appreciate the role of His Highness the Gajapati Maharaj of Puri to consult Jagadguru Shankaracharya ji of Puri , in and in sprit of the age old tradition.Jagadguruji had immediately adviced Gajapatiji the right path to solve this crisis and help maintaining the social harmony. Gajapatiji also promptly acted upon this.
But I personally think the unwillingness or lethargy of the "Secular" Government to seek and implement Jagadguru Shankaracharya ji's advice who is Highest Authority in "Religious" Matters led to hurting the Dalits and Upper Caste as well. Poeple should demark and limit the role of Government and Administration in the Religious Matters. When in past the demarkations and limitations of Governments and Administration was well set, there were no problems and every devotee, though a Dalit or Upper Caste ws happy, satisfied, enjoyed bliss of God and ultimately attained liberation or Moksha.
As far as the reply of "Mr Rajiv Mishra ji " is concerned, he was at right end, because such a intricate thing cannot be discussed over phone or letter or email, and His Holiness already had discussions with the eminent personalities in Orissa like Gajapatiji, so there is no point in going on explaining intricacies to one and all pver phone by His Holiness Himself. As per the universal etiquettes such discussions initially can be had with people like us who are Shishyas and office bearers appointed as National President of the Aditya Vahinee.
I request you all who reside in foreign lands and who are well educate to create a mass awareness to limit the role of "55 years old secularists'" in the matters of "age old traditions and interpretation of religion".
I invite you all to help us in full spirit to enable us to spread the message of "Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah" throughout the world.
I look up on you for a greater support in spreading the Dharma and rejunavating the Glory of India through out the world.
Yours Cordially Dhananjay Vaidya National President (A.V.) Sri Sri Jagadguru Shankaracharya Mahasamsthanam Poorvamnaya Sri Govardhan Peetham Shankaracharya Math Marg Puri - ORISSA - 752 001 Roaming Mobile : 09323556041
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