I wonder if 'social capitalism' does mean to build a system which can fulfill the basic requirements of downtrodden and democratic system with people's participation. Is it this system will allow the 'socialization of means of production' and participation of common man in power structure? Under the Globalization, financial capital which is heading today's capitalism has no any social responsibility and accountability to the people rather making only profit at the cost of depriving people from the basic needs in a huge number. It is moving all over the world crossing the territories without any restriction only for making the profit. For this very purpose they are pressurizing the developing nation for grabbing their resources and imposing autocracy instead of people's democracy….if they are not getting success imposing war against humanity and making terrorism (State & Individual)…. their democracy is based on the principal of 'a powerful smaller group of people manipulating larger number of votes'.
I don't think you are interpreting socialism in a right way…in soviet union too, they couldn't built socialism whatever they claimed…Nationalization of means of production doesn't mean socialism what they did…at another hand they failed to develop themselves in the field of science and technology and information sector further, what was needed for social development and developing productive forces forward. That was collapse of a system not concept of socialism. What is happening in America and with the rest of capitalist word now after collapse of economy? What is social security of common man in capitalism? Is there any scope for sustainable development? Is market willing to take the responsibility of common man for their comprehensive development and stability of state?
Capitalism will go with its own rule…increasing profit and making opportunity for few. It can be only unsocial for majority of people and for developing nationa.
Ambarish Rai
Lok Sangharsh Morcha
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