Re: Re: MNS action on Biharis is spontaneous |
It has been rightly stated that the total neglect of the agriculture sector, resulting in vast migration of people from the rural to urban centres, is the real culprit motivating violence all across the country, be it Raj's attacks on Biharis in Mumbai or the naxalite violence in Jharkhand. Threatening levels of unemployment point to very uncertain days ahead and the farm sector using ecological and organic farming can become the greatest engine for creating jobs for millions in the country. It is the greatest myth being perpetrated that farming as an occupation is non-sustainable and therefore should give way to vast industrialisation. Multi-crop organic farming using conventional methods, without using chemical fertilisers and pesticides, is the most ecological and beneficial method of creating employment on the farm sector and preventing migration from rural to urban areas.
Prem Verma __._,_.___
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