Re: Forcing Muslims to become Hindu in Gujarat |
Dear Venkatasubramaniyan,
Could you please substantiate your following claim:
In DMK's Tamilnadu, a Muslim dominated panchayat (yes, a mere panchayat) threatened the Hindu colony with non supply of drinking of water and denial of road and even passage thru the main village if they did not convert to Islam Venkaasubramanian.
Caste oppression in Southern districts forced the dalits Meenakhshipuram to embrace Islam in early 1980s. Thenceforth, whenever, dalit colonies are not provided with basic needs of electricity, road and water supply - the dalits of Tamilnadu threaten the government officials that they would embrace Islam -if they were not provided the above. Once their demand is fulfilled, dalits give up their conversion atempt. Conversion to Islam - is a only arm in the hands of Dalits and oppressed people of Tamilnadu. Moulasha __._,_.___
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