An open letter to Prime minister Manmohan Singh from NRIs |
An open letter to Prime minister Manmohan Singh Dear Honorable Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh: Namaste. We, the Concerned Community of Indian origin, welcome you to United States of America and wish you a pleasant and successful trip. We like to submit this petition to you to express our deep concern about the danger to the national security and integrity of India due to Terrorism, Missionary Conversions and Appeasement politics. Terrorism: Though India has been the victim of terrorism for many centuries, ferocity and frequency of the home grown terrorism aided and abetted by certain foreign powers has increased at an alarming rate during the UPA rule. Shekhar Gupta in Indian Express dated Aug. 2, 2008 has aptly said: "These four and half years are the worst in India's history of fighting terrorism. It is a spectacular period of mayhem when not one terrorist has been caught, not one major case solved. Even by the modest standards that Shivraj Patil's home ministry may have set for itself, this is a spectacularly disastrous record. " Today, India faces terrorism from three quarters, Islamic Jihadi organizations like SIMI, Naxalites of various hue and fundamentalist Christian outfits from the North Eastern states. Only country that exceeded India in both in terrorist victims and terrorist attacks is the war torn country Iraq. What is alarming is the indifference, inaptitude, politicization and softness your administration has shown in tackling terrorism. To quote Shekhar Gupta again: "The talk of Naxalism in a week when two of our most important cities saw serial-bombings and a third had 23 unexploded bombs recovered, is not a digression. It underlines the unmoving, thick-skinned, incompetent and pusillanimous response to terror from this government. ...Ask senior police officers there, even Congress chief ministers if they'd dare to speak the truth and they will tell you how they pulled away in fright, under pressure from the Centre for targeting and upsetting Muslims (voters) in their investigations.. And if it is not guilty of communalizing our internal security policy, how does it explain sitting on special anti-terror laws in all BJP-run states when exactly similar ones have been passed for the Congress states? If these laws are good, or necessary, then citizens in BJP-run states have as much need and right to get their protection as those in the Congress states. " It is a matter of great shame that some of your ministers like Laloo Prasad Yadav, Ram Vilas Paswan have publicly criticized the police and supported SIMI terrorists. They have even visited the house of Chief architect of these bombings Abdul Bashar in Azamgahd in U.P. Would cabinet members of President Bush go to Osama Bin Laden's family to express sympathy? Should you not sack them from your cabinet? Even your expression of sympathy is baffling to us. You agonized and said you lost sleep over the arrest of Mohammad Hanif in Australia for his alleged involvement in the blasts in UK, but you have never lost sleep during entire last 4.5 years for the victims of terrorism who lost their sons, their daughters, fathers and mothers and worse many more who were severely injured. Is the value of citizen's life depends upon the vote bank they belong to? Can you kindly clarify whether your administration is with the terrorists or against the terrorists? Religious Conversions by Missionaries: The recent communal violence in Orissa is the direct result of the fraudulent, deceptive and aggressive conversion activities of the Christian missionaries throughout India funded from Europe and America. Mahatma Gandhi is passionately against missionary conversions and called it the deadliest poison. He said missionaries denationalize and create hatred among religions. He saw in it imperialism in another form. His insight is evident to all of us during recent Orissa riots after 84 year old Swami Laxmananda was assassinated with AK-47's and axes because of his development efforts with tribals for last 40 years that brought them into Hindu fold and feel proud of their culture. As Swami Dayananda Saraswati said, "Conversion is not merely violence against people; it is violence against people who are committed to non-violence." If you and your government sincerely believe and respect Mahatma Gandhi, please follow his advice: "If I had power and could legislate, I should stop all proselytizing." (Gandhi Nov 5, 1935)". Appeasement Politics: A truly democratic government will treat all citizens of the country in fair and equal manner irrespective of religion, caste, creed or color. However, your government has followed a policy of appeasement of a few religious based minorities for vote bank politics and thereby damaged badly the basic fabric of the Indian democratic polity. It even attempted to carry this to armed forces of the country based on the Sachar recommendations that would have deeply divided it. For preserving the unity of country, we request that all special quotas be strictly based on economic grounds only. Your administration policies in dealing with Kashmiri separatists in North, infiltration from Bangla Desh in the East, missionary aggression in North East, illegal missionary conversions in South together with Naxalism presence in one-third of the country will end up dividing country into pieces. Today, we have the shameful episode of half million Kashmiri Hindus living as refugees in their own country in sub-human homes for last 18 years. Is such fate waiting many more Indian Citizens? Or, are the ravages of partition period waiting again? Sir, any government indulging in the policy of 'Divide and Rule' and 'Vote bank politics' to stay in power will destabilize the country and lead to further partition of India. For many centuries all communities in India have lived together peacefully and prospered. Let not the history blame you and your party for the destruction of the ancient Indian civilization and its ethos, traditions and culture. We sincerely hope and wish that as an enlightened intellectual, you will work towards the goal of building an egalitarian society based on equality, justice and liberty for all and make India a prosperous and powerful country.
Hindi human rights watch. __._,_.___
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