OFF-TOPIC: Re: The book Da Vinci Code shakes the faith not to push people to join other faiths but to unveil certain truths (?) |
Namaste Remmei ji, Manjunath ji,
Thanks for this exchange. Remmei ji, reading all this I am often of the thought that the history as is fed to us is doctored heavily. Let me elaborate:
A few months back, I was visited by a young man for some fixing gadgets in my home. He was known to me through a mutual friend both of whom were Jehova's witness' members.
This eager young man spent quite a good time at my house talking about religion on which we shared many things. He first started to tell me about the Gospel about which I knew very little. I eagerly listened. He told me about the biblical description of the four great empires (not civilizations). They were , according to him, the Babylonian, Egyptian, Roman and another that I do not remember now. He told me that creation started around 4004 BC.
At this point , I intervened. I asked him whether he knew anything about the Sumerian Civilization which was a precursor to Babylonian. I gently reminded him that the Sumerian people spoke a language a language strikingly close to Tamil as per Dr Loganathan, see his website . Mr Kishore patnaik says it is Telugu. See his message.1 and message 2 Dr Srinivasa Iyengar opines that it was the tamils, who established the Sumer Kingdom. See his Book
I told him how, the Sumerians, who were great temple worshippers like the Tamils. Being a Tamil himself he agreed since the Tamils were perhaps the greatest temple builders ever. The sumerians sang epithets in front of the deity in temples just like the present Tamils. Dr Loganathan claims that the Sumer God, Seir- i- mal, the black God, is Thirumal ,the Tamil name of Vishnu.
This friend became rstless. He started to insist the biblical creation dates, when I showed proof that a human skull , 4.5 million years old, was unearthed. It was my turn to educate him. I explained to him how all mankind has been fooled by a few self fulfilling historians. I gave him graphical , proof on internet that there was pre existing religion in Europe and Israel which closely resembled Hinduism of today.
1. Egyptian ruler with the Hindu tilak that the Vaisnavas still wear in India 2. The Pyramid Builder with Hindu Tilak 3. Roman counsel with Hindu marks 4. Krishna in Europe! 5. Shiva statue in Bologne Italy
I myself learnt about these at that time only. The friend was stunned. He left me a clear man , promising to research all aspects of all religions before trying to force his opinions on others. You know how the Jehovas' are indoctrinated into their ideology. He even had a final version of Gita. (It was" do your duty. The deeds will govern your next life" and such small time stuff that I do not remember. )
The emerging material in archaeology points to the fact that the oldest religions of the world were in South Asia and Americas (Maya and inca). The settlements unearthed in Afganistan dates to 7000 BC with the same cultural and social stamp of Indus Saraswati river civilization. They are similar in character so much that even the sizes of the bricks used in both are same. That settlement is part of a greater civilization from Afganistan to Bengal and Gujarat to Kashmir.
Humanity needs to come out of some of the stereotyped falsifications at least now.
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